
Grand Council room, Geneva. 2021.
Bringing the Grand Council room into the 21st century required three years of passion. Some 1 000 m2 of stone and marble were used for a project that involved ten full-time craftsmen.

Music Conservatory, Geneva. 2020.
The floors in the entrance and corridors, as well as the stairwell, are now clad in Azul Bateig (grey stone). The floor of the ” Café du Conservatoire “, on the first floor, is dressed in Limestone Crema Luna (beige stone) embellished with triangular cabochons in Swiss Red (a red marble that has all but disappeared today)…

With its new owner, this Byron Road villa has taken on a more English face, no doubt in homage to the Villa Diodati, which was home to Lord Byron and Mary Shelley during the summer of 1816, just a few dozen meters away.

Villa Courbe, Cologny. 2018.
2,460 m2 of marble – Silk Georgette (1,540 m2), Bronze Amani, Bianco Lasa, Silver Brown Wave or Bardiglio – and Black granite – Zimbabwe and Black Horse. Architectural direction: SAOTA (South Africa). Site management: SRA, Kössler & Morel (Geneva). Interior design: Thierry Lemaire. Project duration: 2 years.